Hello everyone! I have been gone too long. I am back! I
miss this blog and promise to never stay gone this long. With that
disclaimer, let's begin:
The next song was
actually submitted by a dear friend of mine. He's a wonderful gentlemen
that I am blessed to have in my life. He has a HUGE heart but has
encountered some serious obstacles in his life. The song he submitted is
a perfect testimony of his experiences. It is "He Saw The Best in Me"
by Marvin Sapp. Here is a link to hear it ----> http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=rmWvE23y4ZY&feature= youtube_gdata_player
Sayers suck! Their sole purpose in life is hate on you every chance
they get. They are the people that can manage to find bad in everything
you attempt to do. This song says regardless of these people in your
life, God always sees the best and wants the best in/for you.
was some debate over the meaning of this song during my research. Some
don't like it because they feel it gives Christians an excuse to sin and
simply validates it by saying "oh God knows my heart. He sees the BEST
in me no matter what." Kind of far fetched if you ask me... but valid, I
suppose. However, that is not the context of this blog.
I found a quote that reminds me so much of this song. It puts it in prospective perfectly. It says "I am not who others said I am; I am what God said I am." No
one knows you better than God. God knows you possess a power that He
has given you to stop the devil and all the nay sayers dead in their
tracks! There is no one, no obstacles, no difficulties, and no power on
Earth that can stop God's promises in your life. Jeremiah 29:11
says, "I know the thoughts that I have toward you, says the Lord, even
in your bondage, even in your captivity; they are good thoughts,
thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and hope."
Thank God for seeing the best in me! Amen.