Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Somebody Bigger Than You and I

Today's devotion reminds me of Whitney Houston's hit featuring Faith Evans, Bobby Brown, Ralph Tresvant, Johnny Gill and Monica, "Somebody Bigger Than You and I". This song is featured on the motion picture soundtrack, "The Preacher's Wife." The songs asks:

"Who made the mountains
Who made the trees
Who made the rivers that flow out to the seas
And who hung the moon in the starry, starry, starry sky"

And answers:

"Somebody bigger
I know I know he's bigger than you and I
My God is bigger
Somebody bigger
He's bigger, he's bigger than you
He's bigger than you
My God is, my God is..."

The scripture for today's devotion comes from Genesis 1. This is a familiar text from the first page of the Bible that describes God's creation of Heaven and Earth. More specifically, verse 31 describes God's description of His magnificent work as "very good"." This devotion reminds me of all the beauty in nature and the world in general. It's a reminder of how amazing God is and how thankful we should be for His works. Last September, my husband and I traveled to Niagara Falls for the first time. We couldn't help but be in complete awe at God's creation. It was breathtaking. I am blessed to 

know I too am God's creation and although I am not perfect, it's comforting to know I was created in His image.

God, please give me a new perspective on your creation. Thank you for your awesome works. Each day is a reminder that He is "somebody bigger than you and I."


Here's a link to the song:

Somebody Bigger Than You and I by Whitney Houston f. Various Artist

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